The Healthy Desk Jockey Blog

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From Fried to Fired Up: Inspiring Sustainable Well-being

Apr 04, 2024

As the founder of FIT2order, my journey in the corporate wellness space has always been driven by a passion for inspiring employees to prioritize their health, particularly in the workplace. The...

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Best Meditation Styles for Relieving Stress for Those Over 50

Mar 19, 2024

As we age, managing stress becomes even more critical for maintaining our health, well-being, and quality of life. For those over 50, meditation offers a powerful tool for stress relief, with...

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Breathe Your Way to Calm: Launching the vidaBALLā„¢ļø¸ Experience

Feb 20, 2024

S- T- R- E- S- S and A- N- X -I -E -T- Y have become our constant companions. 

But, what if you could break free from the chains of stress without medication or endless screen time?


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Rethinking Wellness at WORK in 2024: A Fresh Perspective

Jan 04, 2024

The concept of workplace wellness continues to evolve.

Are YOU wondering what's next for the wild, wild west of Wellness@WORK?

After an extensive review of current trends, research, and forecasts...

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[Interview with Julianne Kirkland] FIT for Leadership

Nov 09, 2023

What a great interview with Julianne Kirkland from the Women Leaders Podcast I get the opportunity to share how implementing micro- movements throughout your day is crucial...

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[Interview with Joanne Newborn] Speaker Spotlight

Oct 23, 2023

What a great opportunity to be interviewed by Joanne Newborn, “Experts Unplugged: Speaker Spotlights from the Medical Fitness Association Conference” - where we chatted all things...

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The Best Core Exercises For Strength And Stability

Sep 19, 2023

Most types of physical activity use the body’s core muscles in some way. Everyday movements, including maintaining good posture while sitting, carrying heavy items and going up the stairs,...

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The Art of Breathing: Unveiling the Essence of Your Presence

Jul 31, 2023

Take a moment.

Just notice your breath.

How are you breathing?

The simple act of observing your breath holds incredible significance in our lives. Breathing not only sustains our physical existence...

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Unlocking the Power of Prevention: Empowering Men's Health

Jun 19, 2023

Everything is more important until you get sick and then, you realize what’s really important, your health.

In a world where the pursuit of success often takes center stage, it's easy...

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Take a Breath, Find Your Calm: Introducing the vidaBALLĀ® - Your Gateway to Mindfulness

May 31, 2023

In the fast-paced world we live in, stress challenges us every day. It sneaks into our lives, affecting our well-being, productivity, and overall happiness. The question is, how do we deal with it?...

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